Among thousands of exhibitions, which we pass without any emotion, the display window should immediately capture the attention of passers-by. The creations, which are involved is the keynote of our implementations.
For the Wólczanka brand, one of the top clothing companies in Poland, especially well-known for the production of shirts, in 2016 we took on the project of dressing the display window. In this way we supported the campaign promoting the spring / summer 2016 collection. We used almost 500 sq. m. FOAM-foam plates X 5 mm and 10 mm glued with printed numeric film. The high quality of solvent printing made it possible to obtain very vivid colours. The effect of paradise forest, which crowned the whole image of the campaign, was obtained by using the graphics stuck to the front panel of the display window, which informed the customers about the promotion additionally: "the third piece gratis." When we have such tasks, we focus on the quality and aesthetic appearance of the materials we produce. We adapt to the individual assumptions of the brand and help in building a strong image on the market. Our task is to direct the sight, intrigue and encourage to visit the shop.